“As a spiritual teacher who has had the privilege of helping thousands on their journeys of personal growth, I have persistently encountered one of the biggest problems involved with inner transformation today: the huge gap between how much we understand mentally and our emotional reality. For this reason, the very idea of real emotional transformation can often seem incomprehensible: does that actually mean to live one day without all those unfathomable yet so familiar feelings that seem closer to us than our own breath? The answer is: Yes!”
Shai Tubali
How can we transform our emotions? How can we grow our emotional system? How can we unite our emotions with our whole being and integrate them in order to create a complex relationship between mind and body? What is the difference between general transformation and emotional transformation? What is the power of positive emotions in the process of emotional transformation?
Emotions are a powerful and wonderful tool, as they enable us to access greater self-knowledge and go beyond our regular state of consciousness. They are so easy to reach and can offer such a powerful pathway for transformation, yet to most of us the potential for real emotional maturity stays forever dormant.
There is frequently a large and painful gap between our mental and spiritual development and our emotional state presenting us with a tangled, complicated, confused and childish mix of emotions. A person that has developed the inner power and the ability to master his or her emotions is a rare phenomenon. Most of us feel hurt, triggered, and unable to direct our emotions into a healthy and flourishing state. Our emotional experience can also be a cause for physical and mental imbalances, difficulty and confusion.
Spiritual transformation alone is not sufficient for reaching emotional maturity, but it is essential for it. So in our school you will find a unique combination of techniques and meditations aimed at starting and furthering this development in the emotional, mental and spiritual levels of your being.
We invite you to uncover and reveal the true power of emotional maturity, and to experience and create your life out of balance, completeness, passion and love.
Emotional transformation is not only about feeling better about ourselves. It is about emotional development that takes us from selfishness, narcissism and a self-centered state, towards the ability to see others and develop aspects of our heart power.
Together we will learn about the true nature of emotions and emotional expression. We will expand our understanding, while going through transformations in all seven centers of human existence, which serve as the core principle guiding the process.
the school for emotional transformation
Venue: Human Greatness Center, Altensteinstr 48a 14195 Berlin, Germany or online.
Hours: 10:30-18:30
- 1650 Euro/Online participant 1550 Euro
- People who studied or participated in Shai Tubali’s school before are eligible for a discount of 100 Euro.
Shai Tubali
co-teacher Tamar Brosh
Flexible Payment Options:
We know that dedicating yourself to a journey of deep emotional transformation requires both time and money. This is why we offer an easy process that gives all participants the option to pay the school fee in up to 24 instalments.
Structure of the School:
- The program can be attended as a self-development program and as a certified training program, as this educational and professional training will allow you to help people deal with their personal emotional confusion and to teach them to transform and transcend emotions, problems and traumas.
- Each year starts in November and ends in June and consists of eight months of weekends, from 10:30-18:30.
- The program is offered as a one-year or two-year program. After the first year you receive the certificate to be an instructor for emotional transformation and to work with people in a one-on-one process Completing the second year results in the certificate of a senior emotional transformation instructor, enabling you to work in one-on-one sessions as well as with other complex levels of techniques, getting deeper insights into the philosophy and including the possibility to guide groups as well.
- The program can be attended in person in our Human Greatness Center in Berlin, or online, where you can either join live or study on your own, choosing the times that suit you best. We teach in English and German.
- Your efforts during the programme will be recognised with a certificate, qualifying you to work in your own practice, integrating the methods you have studied. This training is suitable for people without prior experience or professional training as an emotional therapist, psychologist, coach, and body-mind healer. It is also for those who have felt the need to help others and those who are going through their own emotional difficulties and blockades.
The Methods Taught in the School:
Shai Tubali’s main methods, developed through more than 20 years of teaching groups and meetings, are the core of the school. The methods offer a complete teaching approach with dozens of structures, practices and techniques for diagnosis, healing and empowerment processes, taking place in one-on-one or group sessions. Each method brings a certain angle, wisdom and different techniques for transformation. Together, they create a vast toolbox for self-change and all kinds and forms of coaching and healing processes.
Additionally, these methods will be combined with elements of Positive Psychology.
The Expansion Method
This method offers processes that lead into expanded states of consciousness, which enables the erasure of imprints and inner blockages created out of negative memories. The higher and expanded states of consciousness give us the possibility to free ourselves from the past and to mature our inner child. Using the principles of the expansion method will enable us to discover the transformative power of positive emotions and the ability to work with the negative ones.
Power Psychology
This method enables the development of will, the shaper and designer of the human psyche. As a deep teaching it can help to put an end to forms of “victim consciences” and establish true inner power and a resilient self.
Chakra Psychology
Understanding the psychological realm of each chakra gives us a direct insight into the seven human main perceptions and emotional issues. Examining the chakras in different states of functioning, can teach us how to move from primal fear to the feeling of stability and the ability to say yes to life, even in moments of challenge or danger. It can teach us how to step out of emotional neediness or loneliness into a state of an open and generous heart, to build true inner power instead of resting in the feeling of helplessness.
This method will teach us both how to diagnose and move from dysfunctionality into functional and balanced states in each of the chakras and what the psychological implications of these transformations are. We will also look into the psychosomatic aspects of each chakra and create an overview of all the subtle body systems together.
The Seven Heart Powers
This teaching brings into life the essential powers of the awakened heart. It is an invitation to discover and develop your heart powers and tap into the heart energy. This accessible yet profound wisdom reveals that the heart, often perceived as our most vulnerable and fragile place, is in fact the source of our greatest potential. In the teachings, we discover the wisdom of self-acceptance, forgivness, compassion and love as qualities of true mature and transformed heart
Chakra Personality Types
As a method for self-empowerment and manifestation of the self, this approach can reveal and transform emotional blockages and unconscious inner difficulties. Enabling us to identify our chakra type and the types of others, this unique system focuses on revealing the blue-print of each person’s structure and can allow us to understand the specific emotional transformation that suits each type. This in turn helps to shape and create tailored processes from this special angle. What can empower each type? What can be a negative tendency? How can a person mature emotionally according to the specific needs and qualities of their type?
The Learning Experience:
Join an engaging and lively studying atmosphere. The program is divided into select weekends every month that focus on different teaching methods. No matter wether you are attending a live meeting in Berlin or participating online, you will be part of an interactive, intense and profound study experience.
The unique syllabus is designed to lead you through a multi-layered process that combines lectures, therapy demonstrations, guided meditations and practices, either in groups, one-on-ones, or as self-practice.
In-between weekends of intense study, you also have the possibility to practice with the help of daily newsletters or have optional sessions with your group of students, both aimed at making the learning process transformative and engaging throughout the entire period of your studies.
Join a warm community of students in Berlin or allow yourself to learn from anywhere in the world! This learning programme is accessible both, by attending classes in our center in Berlin or online via our interactive live broadcast platform, which also allows you to play the recordings whenever it suits you best. Additionally, every student receives free and full access to all learning materials, talks and practices of the school for another 24 months after the program is over.
You can watch lessons at you own pace and revisit them whenever you need, and if you missed one, watch them in your free time from the comfort of your home.
“I found Shai’s teachings tremendously powerful and insightful intellectually, yet simultaneously they effected me spiritually, energetically, emotionally with integrated meditations that make the experience ‘real’, ‘known’. He teaches with heart and a pureness of intuition and intent that I have found wonderfully transformative.”
Lee C.
“After a meditation I had the gift to sink deep into the intimacy of my true essence, losing all boundaries and merging with a happiness which was so unconditional and nourishing that no words can describe it. This Universe is unbelievable and full of miracles – and so is this retreat! Thank you with all of my heart for all the Love!”
Francy S.
“The loving guidance from the level of the person through the transpersonal field towards the SELF touched me a lot. A helping hand – yet fully open. Clearly focused and still so free.”
Michael M.
“Last Sommer I experienced already a Silent Retreat with Shai Tubali. It is a wonderful intimate journey to oneSelf. Bathing in Shai’s pure Energy, we are cleansing and purifying ourselves – like in a bath of Light. Especially his powerful Life-Force-Meditations let us experience the Unity we are – since I am sure that there are no real boundaries between us – that we are all this flowing Life-Energy. Really, that gives such happiness! In the time between the meetings with Shai, we can walk in beautiful landscapes, Yoga-exercises are proposed, Dynamic Meditation – and last not least, we have delicious vegan food. So, I’m really grateful that I can participate in this new Summer-Retreat 2019, thank you to organize such beautiful events!”
Dr. Bettina P.
“The meditation retreats with Shai Tubali had been one of the greatest engines of true spiritual transformation for me, combining profound spiritual wisdom, with crystal clear guidance, imbued with depth and inspiration. Shai is a true master of spirit, and the atmosphere in the retreats is highly supportive and well thought through- it is evident that every little detail is taken into consideration, in order to create a highly transformative and empowering spiritual field. It is a haven for true seekers of truth and transformation.”
Dr. Nir Brosh M.D.
About the Teachers:
Shai Tubali
Spiritual Teacher, Author and Philosopher – Shai is a prolific and renowned author, with 23 books published to date. His bestselling books have been translated into five languages and have won awards in Israel and the United States. In his teaching Shai combines Yogic knowledge and Eastern practices with the latest in Western science, psychology, and philosophy to create innovative transformative processes. Indeed, almost 20 years of in-depth study of Eastern thought and Yogic tradition have brought this trained Yogi up to a master level in utilizing the tools of spirituality to offer structure, deep insights, and methods for personal growth in all areas of life. Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he is a pioneering figure in the field of self-transformation who has helped thousands of people to transform their lives in his many years of teaching around the world.
As the developer of the methods taught in The School for Emotional Transformation, he will design and guide us through the structure of the school and its content. Shai will be leading and teaching profound theoretical understanding and principles of emotional transformation.
“It’s not the reality of our life that distresses us;
it’s the ideal image of the other life, the fantasy, that is our core conflict:
the life that we should have had, or could have, now or in the future.
When the life that you have is also the life that you choose, your basic suffering comes to an end.”
Shai Tubali
Co-Teacher: Tamar Brosh
Head of the Training Centre, Head of the Emotional Healing Department
- MSc Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching, The University of East London, 2019
- LL.B. – Bachelor of Laws, College of Management Academic Studies, Israel, 1995
- Senior instructor in the Expansion Method, The School of Expansion, Israel, 2010-2012
Tamar is bringing to the school her rich experience as a coach and instructor, who has worked with thousands of people using Shai’s methods and tools from positive psychology. In The School of Emotional Transformation she is a co-teacher with Shai Tubali, focusing on the teaching of the techniques and the practical application of the methods as tools directed at the self and as a one-on-one tools.
She will be leading the certification for senior instructors and group leaders that is covered in the second year. Her role in the HGC is as a facilitator of healing, an empowering mentor, a teacher and a trainer. Inspired by the Buddhist “bodhisattva vow”, she is committed, with all her heart and intention, to serve all those who suffer and seek inner and outer transformation.
This learning programme is accessible both, by attending classes in our center in Berlin or online via our interactive live broadcast platform, which also allows you to play the recordings whenever it suits you best.
Additionally, every student receives free and full access to all learning materials, talks and practices of the school for another 24 months after the program is over.
You can watch lessons at you own pace and revisit them whenever you need, and if you missed one, watch them in your free time from the comfort of your home.
Venue: Human Greatness Center, Altensteinstr 48a 14195 Berlin, Germany or online.
Hours: 10:30-18:30
- 1650 Euro/Online participant 1550 Euro
- People who studied or participated in Shai Tubali’s school before are eligible for a discount of 100 Euro.
Flexible Payment Options:
We know that dedicating yourself to a journey of deep emotional transformation requires both time and money. This is why we offer an easy process that gives all participants the option to pay the school fee in up to 24 instalments.