It is not easy to handle human life. Why? According to Shai Tubali, the primary reason for that is that human existence is a unique blend of spirit and matter. This creates a great complexity that one needs to gradually master. To navigate this complexity and to fully realize it, Shai created the system of the “Seven Dimensions of Life”. The seven dimensions are the complete map of human experience – from matter all the way to spirit and from spirit all the way to matter.
With Transformative Spirituality we discover the top end of human experience – the deepest nature of our consciousness, which is conceived here as the seventh dimension or the dimension of pure being. Discovering this, again and again, through Satsang and silent retreats, illuminates all other six dimensions, as it is the plane of spiritual enlightenment.
However, with the seventh dimension alone, Shai explains, it is very difficult to make sense of the human experience and can bring about a lot of confusion.
The right position of human life is to embrace all of life’s dimensions and to freely move through them. For this we need to place ourselves exactly in the middle, in the human heart that is the only part in us that can easily hold the two opposites of our humanness and spiritual nature.
The first dimension, of our physical existence in human form, is the one we are most familiar with, yet it is also critical to understand. It is the dimension of the body and personality; family, biology and heritage; needs and food, shared with animals and plants. It is also the dimension of action and work. Here we learn to agree to life, to accept its processes and to build in it. That is why we need to do here deep-going psychological work – this is where Shai Tubali recommends the healing techniques of the Expansion Method.
The seven dimensions are the complete map of human experience – from matter all the way to spirit and from spirit all the way to matter.
The second dimension is the dimension of experience, feeling and the senses, where life is known as exciting experiences and beautiful moments (a good way to approach it is through the “Ananda Dance”). Very different from it is the third dimension, which is experienced through our willing center, in which we contact life through our ambition and wish for achievement. As this dimension is difficult to many, Shai offers as its major healing method his system of “Power Psychology”.
The fourth dimension is that of the dimension of relationships, emotions and striving for unity. It is also where the meaning of human life is most easily known through our heart center. The fifth dimension is experienced through our communication center, which allows us self-expression and manifestation. The sixth dimension, on the other hand, is the one in which we know life through the thinking center, awakening more and more our intelligence, wisdom and understanding. To this dimension Shai offers access through the “Question” technique.
While each one of us is naturally more attracted to only some of the dimensions – an attraction explained through Shai’s system the “Seven Personality Types” – we cannot attain full mastery without awakening all of these centers in us through practices and awareness. That is why Shai offers a vast range of ways to develop the qualities and intelligences of each plane – mainly through his practical teaching of the seven Chakras, which are the reflections of the seven dimensions within us.
Many systems, according to Shai’s teaching, have attempted to suppress certain dimensions to reach a more simplified and one-dimensional world-view. But with the seven dimensions we gain an integral approach, which fully realizes the fact that we are, potentially, a “Human Buddha”. By realizing all of life’s dimensions in us, life begins to make sense and our spiritual nature can fully reach the ground of our human existence.
The right position of human life is to embrace all of life’s dimensions and to freely move through them.